Rejected blast

There are a number of reasons an e-mail blast may be rejected.
Here are the most common reasons why e-mail blasts are rejected.
Go through your e-mail to control all needed information is added.

Do you have a relevant subject line?
Verify your e-mail includes a relevant subject line.

Have you provided a full physical mailing address?
PO Boxes are acceptable.

Do you have a clearly visible unsubscribe link?
We require that ALL e-mails have an unsubscribe link.

Are you sending your Newsletter to more than 10 000 contacts?
In an effort to improve your long term delivery rates we will reject your initial messages if you are sending to more than 10 000 contacts.

We suspect you’ve included a purchased mailing list
If your mailing list includes known SPAM traps or addresses that don’t appear that they likely would have been used to opt-in to advertising mailRelate will reject the message.