Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service provided by Google. It is a free service that allows web administrators to track, in great detail, the demographics of their web site visitors. One notable feature is the ability is to track the source of visitors, e.g. blogs, emails, other web sites, advertisements, etc. This is done by slightly modifying the URLs that link to your website.

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Integration with mailRelate

Important: To use Google Analytics Integration, you must already have a Google Analytics Account. On the schedule page, under Delivery Options at step 4, you will see a checkbox to enable/disable this feature. The Sample Link URL, provides a preview of how a URL from your email will look. To make it even easier for you, we fill the parameters with sensible defaults. Note that {{{blast_id}}} will be replaced with an ID number corresponding to your blast when the email is delivered. With this feature, you will now be able to categorize your site visitors and see how many visitors came from which link in which email.